Prime Access Plan
Up to 5 posts a month each in Questions & Requests sections of Community
Unlimited accessing and commenting in any authorized forum sections
Unlimited accessing the prime-only site pages
Optional 3 days Free Trial
This is a prime access plan for accessing the entire community forums and all the prime-only site pages.
Free trial lets you access all the sections only but not posting. It will not have automatic subscription after the end of the free trial. Please subscibe again for the monthly subscription after that if you wish to keep the service.
Please note that, only posting in Questions and Requests sections are allowed, not in Recommendation sections.
Please note that, the authorized sections are in private but open to all authorized members, and mostly the post owners and other members will be helping you with your questions.
You may cancel the plan at any time, your payment will stop at the next billing cycle and your paid services will only expire at the end of the paid month. The payment cannot be refunded during the billing cycle.