Parallels Remote Application Server/Virtual Machine Products
Parallels provides RAS(Remote Application Server) & vitual machine solutions to professionals, teams and IT departments that manage multiple Mac computers and need to run Windows on Mac.
Find the Parallels solution that works best for you
Introducing Awingu!
For Business
Enable secure access to applications, desktops, and files with a unified browser-based workspace.
Parallels RAS
For Business
Provide 24/7 digital access to applications and desktops with a secure virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solution.
Parallels Desktop
for MacFor Home |For Business
Run Windows on a Mac without rebooting or compromising power.
Parallels Desktop
for ChromeOSFor Business & Education
Run full-featured Windows applications directly on Chrome Enterprise devices.
A fast, easy, and powerful application for running Windows on your Intel or Apple M Series Mac—all without rebooting. Includes 40+ one-touch tools to simplify everyday tasks on Mac and Windows.
Everything from Pro Edition, plus:
- Centralized administration and management
- Unified Volume License Key for mass deployment
- Enroll users through automatically generated emails
- Enable all or selected users to Download a Corporate Windows VM
- Additional security settings and expired virtual machines
For Business
- Parallels RAS (Remote Application Server)
- Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition
- Parallels Desktop for ChromeOS
- Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition
RAS: Quickly adapt to evolving business needs
- Simple, easy VDI and application delivery
- Access virtual desktops, applications, and virtual machines from any majorhypervisor and RDSH to any user, on any device. The ability to flexibly manage virtual machine templates enables instant provisioning ofvirtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) desktops or published applications to end users.
- Scalable and efficient architecture
- Flexible multi-cloud deployment options
- Centralized IT management
- Automated image optimizations
Save time and money with simpler solutions
Parallels RAS streamlines processes and integrates with the clouds and applications you're already using.
- Citrix alternative
- Enhance Microsoft RDS
- Microsoft Azure integration
- Enhance Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Parallels® Desktop for Mac Business Edition
Straightforward and high-performing solution optimized for business and learning environments to run Windows applications on an Intel and Apple M-series chips Mac.
Parallels Desktop for ChromeOS
Run full-featured Windows applications including Microsoft Office directly on Chrome Enterprise devices—even offline!