Buzzsprout Podcast Hosting
Podcast Hosting Made Easy
Easy and powerful tools, with free learning materials, and remarkable customer support.
The easiest way to start podcasting.
Buzzsprout gives you everything you need to host, promote, and track your podcast. They have an excellent marketing manager that can help with content ideas and promotions.
Get your podcast listed in all of the top podcast directories
Reach millions of potential listeners by listing your podcast in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, TuneIn, Alexa, Overcast, PocketCasts, Castro, Castbox, and Podchaser.
Advanced podcast statistics to track your progress
Get to know your listeners with podcast statistics. See stats like your total downloads over time, what apps people are using to listen to your podcast, and where people are listening to your podcast.
Magic Mastering™
Like an Instagram filter for your audio.
Magic Mastering uses advanced technology to automatically sweeten audio files and then optimize them to match the industry best practices for spoken word or music heavy productions.
It's the easiest way to publish a professional podcast, brought to you by your friends at Buzzsprout.
Automatic episode optimization
Don't worry about filetypes, bitrates, or ID3 tags. Just upload your audio file, and Buzzsprout will optimize your episodes automatically. Publish your episode immediately, or schedule the day and time you'd like your episode to go live.
Dynamic Content
Our Dynamic Content tool lets you add and remove pre-roll and post-roll segments to and from your podcast episodes. Send a message to all of your listeners, regardless of the episode they are enjoying.
Make your podcast more accessible with transcriptions
Transcribe your episodes inside Buzzsprout to make your podcast more accessible to search engines, speed-readers, and people who are hard of hearing.